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Radio Astronomy with the Next Generation of Large Radio Interferometers

Title: Radio Astronomy with the Next Generation of Large Radio Interferometers

Speaker: Dr. Jeff Wagg (SKAO and NRAO)

Time: 10:00pm, October 19, 2023

Location: 3-302, PMO Xianlin Campus

Abstract: It is an exciting time for radio astronomy. The large single dishes such as FAST, and interferometers like MeerKAT, VLA, ASKAP and LOFAR, are providing a wealth of new insights into the formation of planets, galaxies, the early universe, and even the nature of gravity. All of this research will be revolutionized by the next generation of radio interferometers which are expected to come online over the next decade. At the lowest frequencies, SKA-LOW is being built in the Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara (or Murchison Radio Observatory) of Western Australia, while SKA-MID will operate at higher frequencies in the Karoo of South Africa. Finally, the Next Generation Very Large Array will be built across the South-West of the United States and Northern Mexico, providing unprecedented angular resolution and sensitivity at frequencies above ~1 GHz. In this presentation, I will describe some of the science cases which are helping to motivate the design and construction of these new interferometers.