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Address from the Director

Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) evolves from the former Institute of Astronomy of the Academia Sinica, which was established in 1928. The Institute was renamed as the current in 1950. PMO is known as “The Cradle of Modern Astronomy in China” not only because it was the first China’s own modern astronomical institute, but also because it was the originator of most sub-disciplines of Chinese astronomy and the sponsor of subsequent CAS astronomical institutions.

Focusing on the frontier research and the national strategic demand, PMO has formed excellent scientific teams in the fields of dark matter and space astronomy, Antarctic astronomy and radio astronomy, applied celestial mechanics and space object and debris research, planetary sciences and deep space exploration. PMO runs the first astronomical satellite of China, Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE), and is now leading the first approved solar space mission in China, Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S). PMO has successfully opened a new dimension of astronomical observation in Antarctic Dome A. PMO hosts the CAS Center for Space Object and Debris Observation and Research, and runs the CAS observing network of space object and debris. PMO also manages several major observing facilities including a 13.7m millimeter-wave telescope, a Near Earth Object Survey Telescope, a solar telescope, and so on.

PMO aims, in near future, to use DAMPE in-orbit to solve major scientific problems related to dark matter particles as well as the origin, propagation and acceleration mechanism of cosmic ray, to develop payloads and scientific application system for ASO-S mission, to develop technology related to Antarctic astronomy in order to construct “big science” facilities in Dome A, and to improve continuously the system for observing space objects and debris in order to support the nation’s aerospace programs.

I strongly encourage and warmly welcome you to join us to help make PMO the world-class astronomical center for excellent research.


Changyin  Zhao
Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences