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    New upper limits on the power of general relativity from solar system dynamics 12-18-2014
    Planetary Population Synthesis Coupled with Atmospheric Escape: A Statistical View of Evaporation 11-27-2014
    Progress in the study of the structure of brown dwarf disks (2) 11-27-2014
    Progress in the study of the structure of brown dwarf disks(1) 11-27-2014
    A formation scenario for near mean motion resonance system observed by Kepler 11-24-2014
    The optical luminosity function of gamma-ray bursts deduced from ROTSE-III observations 11-19-2014
    PMO Astronomers co-discovered two new types of molecules as Megamasers 11-12-2014
    A study of line widths and kinetic parameters of ions in the solar corona 10-20-2014
    Excitation of kinetic Alfven waves by fast electron beams 10-10-2014
    Saturation level of Alfven waves driven by Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability 10-10-2014
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