On June 1st, 2012, Daniela Calzetti who is a professor of Department of Astronomy of University of Massachusetts visited Purple Mountain Observatory and gave a colloquium talk. It is a short visit in Nanjing during her trip in USTC for the workshop. She is very famous in the fields of star forming galaxies, dust extinction etc. The dust extinction law was named by her.
Pro. Calzetti reviewed star formation scaling laws over the past decade and also posed some new challenges, which might affect the results obtained so far. She had fairly extensive discussions with researchers and students after the meeting. She also expressed her willings to collaborate on a couple of related fields.
Pro. Calzetti highly praised the diligence and intelligence of Chinese students, and would like to have more exchanges between the University of Massachusetts and Purple Mountain observatory in the future. (http://www.astro.umass.edu/~calzetti/) |