Seminar Title |
Slow shocks and conduction fronts from Petschek reconnection of skewed magnetic fields: two-fluid effects
Speaker: |
Prof. Dana Longcope |
Affiliation: |
(Department of Physics at Montana State University) |
When: |
Tuesday morning, Mar. 20th , 9:30 a.m |
Where: |
Room 517, Office Block, 2 West Beijing Road (PMO, CAS) |
Welcome to Attend |
( PMO Academic Committee & Academic Circulating committee) |
In models of fast magnetic reconnection, flux transfer occurs within a small portion of a current sheet triggering stored magnetic energy to be thermalized by shocks. When the initial current sheet separates magnetic fields which are not perfectly anti-parallel, i.e. they are skewed, magnetic energy is first converted to bulk kinetic energy and then thermalized in slow magnetosonic shocks. We show that the latter resemble parallel shocks or hydrodynamic shocks for all skew angles except those very near the anti-parallel limit. As for parallel shocks, the structures of reconnection-driven slow shocks are best studied using two-fluid equations in which ions and electrons have independent temperature. Time-dependent solutions of these equations can be used to predict and understand the shocks from reconnection of skewed magnetic fields. The results differ from those found using a single-fluid model such as magnetohydrodynamics. In the two-fluid model electrons are heated indirectly and thus carry a heat flux always well below the free-streaming limit. The viscous stress of the ions is, however, typically near the fluid-treatable limit. We find that for a wide range of skew angles and small plasma beta an electron conduction front extends ahead of the slow shock but remains within the outflow jet. In such cases conduction will play a more limited role in driving chromospheric evaporation than has been predicted based on single-fluid, anti-parallel models.
Self intro:Dr. Dana Longcope is a Professor of Physics at Montana State University-Bozeman. He teaches Physics and conducts research, with both undergraduates and graduate students, in the area of Solar Physics. Dr. Longcope conducts theoretical research into the basic physics of magnetic fields in ionized plasmas and the application of these concepts to magnetic fields on the Sun. He has studied the storage and release of magnetic energy in the Sun's corona through a process known as reconnection. This kind of energy release is currently thought to occur in solar flares as well as smaller, less dramatic solar events called microflares and X-ray bright points. He has also studied the rise of slender strands of magnetic field from deep within the Sun up to the solar surface. The emergence of this rising flux leads to sunspots, and models of rise yields a better understanding of Sunspot characteristics. Dr. Longcope is a graduate of Cornell University (B.S. 1986, Ph.D. 1993), and did Post-Doctoral research at The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (New York University) and the University of California, Berkeley. He arrived at Montana State University in 1996. Honors and awards include a Fellowship from the Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science (1993), a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) grant from the National Science Foundation (1997), the Presidential Early Career Award for Science and Engineering (2000), the Karen Harvey Prize from the Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society (2003), and the Charles and Nora L. Wiley Award for Meritorious Research (2003) and the Cox Family Award for Creative Scholarship and Teaching (2006) both from Montana State University.