What: Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies: SEDs and Energetics
Who: Wing Yan Vivian_U
(CfA / University of Hawaii, USA )
When: Wednesday morning, May.5th, 10:00 a.m
Where: Room 327, Office Block, 2 West Beijing Road (PMO, CAS)
Welcome to attend
( PMO Academic committee & academic circulating committee)
Luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) are believed to be important transition objects in the context of hierarchical galaxy formation and evolution. Dominating the total luminosity output at the peak of cosmic star formation history, these galaxies play an active role among current extragalactic research that often suffers from the lack of resolution or appropriate local template. As such, an investigation of their counterparts in the local universe (z < 0.09) where we can resolve details is key to our understanding of these crucial objects at high redshifts. In this talk, I will present the SEDs of local LIRGs in the GOALS Survey and discuss the implications of our analysis on the current understanding of LIRGs' properties. Our results show that their spectral shapes do span a range, and that many of them are massive, blue systems. Furthermore, I will motivate the study of molecular gas distribution using submillimeter probes as well as measuring black hole masses with near-infrared integral field spectrograph in the interest of settling the starburst-AGN connection issues, determining the dominant energy source in LIRGs, and tracing black hole growth as galaxies collide and merge.