Low-Mass Star Formation at High Angular Resolution: Collapse, Fragmentation, and Outflow |

What: |
Low-Mass Star Formation at High Angular Resolution: Collapse, Fragmentation, |
and Outflow |
Who: |
Dr. Xuepeng Chen |
(Yale University) |
When: |
Friday morning, Feb. 5th, 10:00 a.m |
Where: |
Room 619, Office Block, 2 West Beijing Road (PMO, CAS) |
Welcome to attend |
( PMO Academic committee & academic circulating committee) |
Our understanding of low-mass star formation has madesignificant process in recent years. In practice, however, manykey problems, e.g., how a prestellar core evolves and forms aprotostar, what makes a prestellar core fragment in the collapsephase, and what is the driving mechanism of molecular outflows,are still poorly known. In an effort to address these issues, wehave started a systematic program to observe, at high angularresolution, a number of low-mass (pre-)protostellar cores, usinglarge interferometric arrays (e.g., SMA, IRAM-PdBI, ATCA, and OVRO).In this talk I present the preliminary results of this program.
Copyright? Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, No.10 Yuanhua Road, Qixia District, Nanjing 210023, China
Phone: 0086 25 8333 2000 Fax: 8333 2091 http://english.pmo.cas.cn |